Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Halomonas gemina sp. nov. and Halomonas llamarensis sp. nov., two siderophore-producing organisms isolated from high-altitude salars of the Atacama Desert

Hintersatz, Christian; Singh, Shalini; Antonio Rojas, Luis; Kretzschmar, Jerome; Wei, Ting-Shyang; Khambhati, Khushal; Kutschke, Sabine; Lehmann, Falk; Singh, Vijai; Jain, Rohan; Pollmann, Katrin

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Hintersatz, Christian and
                  Singh, Shalini and
                  Antonio Rojas, Luis and
                  Kretzschmar, Jerome and
                  Wei, Ting-Shyang and
                  Khambhati, Khushal and
                  Kutschke, Sabine and
                  Lehmann, Falk and
                  Singh, Vijai and
                  Jain, Rohan and
                  Pollmann, Katrin},
  title        = {{Data publication: Halomonas gemina sp. nov. and 
                   Halomonas llamarensis sp. nov., two siderophore-
                   producing organisms isolated from high-altitude
                   salars of the Atacama Desert}},
  month        = apr,
  year         = 2023,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.2254},
  url          = {}
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