Dataset Restricted Access
Bieberle, André; Schäfer, Thomas
{ "name": "Gas-liquid two-phase flow in a centrifugal pump mock-up with swirling gas flow injection at 1300 rpm", "@id": "", "@context": "", "identifier": "", "@type": "Dataset", "creator": [ { "@type": "Person", "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", "name": "Bieberle, Andr\u00e9", "@id": "" }, { "@type": "Person", "affiliation": "Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf", "name": "Sch\u00e4fer, Thomas" } ], "sameAs": [ "" ], "url": "", "datePublished": "2020-01-07", "contributor": [ { "@type": "Person", "affiliation": "HZDR", "name": "Bieberle, Martina", "@id": "" }, { "@type": "Person", "affiliation": "HZDR", "name": "Neumann-Kipping, Martin", "@id": "" }, { "@type": "Person", "affiliation": "HZDR", "name": "Wolf, Jan" }, { "@type": "Person", "affiliation": "HZDR", "name": "Hampel, Uwe", "@id": "" } ], "description": "<p>This data repository contains reconstructed and quantitatively analyzed gas-liquid two-phase distributions obtained from a centrifugal pump mock-up whose geometry is related to a commercially available industrial centrifugal pump. As measurement system the ultrafast electron beam X-ray CT scanner (UFXCT) is applied with a frame rate of 2,500 Hz, single-plane mode and a total scanning interval of 5 seconds. The data repository contains:</p>\n\n<ul>\n\t<li>Reconstructed raw data sets (Algebraic Reconstruction Technique from the UFO framework) for different inlet gas fractions (eps0.0xx) at constant 1300 rpm and for both rotating and back-rotated impeller positions, respectively</li>\n\t<li>Extracted RPM per CT scan (frame) including its raw data</li>\n\t<li>Extracted angular positions of the impeller mock-up per frame</li>\n\t<li>Calculated quantitative gas fraction data sets (static impeller position)</li>\n\t<li>Time-averaged gas fraction distribution and its corresponding averaged variance</li>\n\t<li>Pump and impeller mask data</li>\n\t<li>Additional data obtained from the SPS server with a sampling frequency of 1 Hz</li>\n</ul>", "keywords": [ "centrifugal pump", "gas-liquid two-phase flow", "ultrafast electron beam X-ray computed tomography" ], "inLanguage": { "@type": "Language", "alternateName": "eng", "name": "English" } }
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