Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Experimental characterization of four-magnon scattering processes in ferromagnetic conduits

Hula, Tobias

All Raw and Processed Data + written Thesis. Data and Figures are stored in the 'Figures_and_Data' Directory. Experimental Measurements were done by means of BLS Microscopy (group of H. Schultheiß at HZDR). Micromagnetic Simulations were done at the Hemera Cluster (Dr. A. Kakay at HZDR). Data Analysis was done in Python or Jupyter Notebooks (Open Source). All scripts are included. Graphics were done using OmniGraffle and Blender. Plotting was done using Python and 'Plot2' (Mac Only!). All Files/Data/Skripts are sorted by Figure! The entire Latex Package is stored under 'Thesis_Hula' - Dissertation.tex is the main file and shows all required dependencies.

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