Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Synchronizing the helicity of Rayleigh-Bénard convection by a tide-like electromagnetic forcing

Jüstel, Peter; Röhrborn, Sebastian; Eckert, Sven; Galindo, Vladimir; Gundrum, Thomas; Stepanov, Rodion; Stefani, Frank

JSON Export

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      "key": "Data Publication - Synchronizing the helicity of Rayleigh-Benard convection by a tide-like electromagnetic forcing.7z", 
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  "doi": "10.14278/rodare.1977", 
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    "publication_date": "2022-11-24", 
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    "keywords": [
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    "title": "Data publication: Synchronizing the helicity of Rayleigh-B\u00e9nard convection by a tide-like electromagnetic forcing", 
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    "description": "<p>Package of raw and refined data underlying the figures of the connected paper. Included is also the software used to generate the figures.</p>", 
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        "orcid": "0000-0001-8617-8595", 
        "name": "J\u00fcstel, Peter"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-8894-8888", 
        "name": "R\u00f6hrborn, Sebastian"
        "orcid": "0000-0003-1639-5417", 
        "name": "Eckert, Sven"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-7489-863X", 
        "name": "Galindo, Vladimir"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-5971-7431", 
        "name": "Gundrum, Thomas"
        "orcid": "0000-0001-8098-0720", 
        "affiliation": "Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics", 
        "name": "Stepanov, Rodion"
        "orcid": "0000-0002-8770-4080", 
        "name": "Stefani, Frank"
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All versions This version
Views 2,6972,697
Downloads 3636
Data volume 20.8 GB20.8 GB
Unique views 250250
Unique downloads 2828


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