Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Magnetic induction processes in hot Jupiters, application to KELT-9b

Dietrich, Wieland; Kumar, Sandeep; Poser, Anna Julia; French, Martin; Nettelmann, Nadine; Redmer, Ronald; Wicht, Johannes

JSON-LD ( Export

  "@context": "", 
  "@type": "Dataset", 
  "sameAs": [
  "keywords": [
    "magnetic fields", 
    "atmospheres \u2013 planets and satellites"
  "description": "<p>This dataset contains ionization and transport values for ultra-hot Jupiter KELT-9b. The transport coefficients are used in the calculation of the atmospheric magnetic field of the planet.</p>", 
  "creator": [
      "affiliation": "Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, D-37077 Goettingen, Germany", 
      "name": "Dietrich, Wieland", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "name": "Kumar, Sandeep", 
      "@id": "", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Institut f\u00fcr Physik, Universit\u00e4t Rostock, D-18051 Rostock, Germany", 
      "name": "Poser, Anna Julia", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Institut f\u00fcr Physik, Universit\u00e4t Rostock, D-18051 Rostock, Germany", 
      "name": "French, Martin", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Institut f\u00fcr Planetenforschung , Deutsches Zentrum f\u00fcr Luft- und Raumfahrt, D-12489 Berlin, Germany", 
      "name": "Nettelmann, Nadine", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Institut f\u00fcr Physik, Universit\u00e4t Rostock, D-18051 Rostock, Germany", 
      "name": "Redmer, Ronald", 
      "@type": "Person"
      "affiliation": "Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, D-37077 Goettingen, Germany", 
      "name": "Wicht, Johannes", 
      "@type": "Person"
  "name": "Data publication: Magnetic induction processes in hot Jupiters, application to KELT-9b", 
  "identifier": "", 
  "url": "", 
  "@id": "", 
  "datePublished": "2022-10-28", 
  "license": "", 
  "distribution": [
      "fileFormat": "xz", 
      "contentUrl": "", 
      "@type": "DataDownload"
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