Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Finite-element dynamic-matrix approach for propagating spin waves: Extension to mono- and multilayers of arbitrary spacing and thickness

Körber, Lukas; Hempel, Alexander; Otto, Andreas; Gallardo, Rodolfo A.; Henry, Yves; Lindner, Jürgen; Kakay, Attila

JSON Export

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    "description": "<p>This dataset contains the numerically calculated data for our publication &quot;Finite-element dynamic-matrix approach for propagating spin waves: Extension to mono- and multilayers of arbitrary spacing and thickness&quot; published in AIP Advances. The data is structured as folders associated with each Figure showing any data. For cases in which different methods are compared, the data is separated into additional subfolders associated with each method (same naming scheme as in manuscript).</p>", 
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        "affiliation": "TU Dresden", 
        "name": "Hempel, Alexander"
        "affiliation": "TU Dresden", 
        "name": "Otto, Andreas"
        "affiliation": "Universidad T\u00e9cnica Federico Santa Mar\u00eda, Chile", 
        "name": "Gallardo, Rodolfo A."
        "affiliation": "CNRS Stra\u00dfbourg", 
        "name": "Henry, Yves"
        "name": "Lindner, J\u00fcrgen"
        "name": "Kakay, Attila", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-3195-219X"
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All versions This version
Views 1,5141,514
Downloads 1,2661,266
Data volume 84.5 GB84.5 GB
Unique views 228228
Unique downloads 7272


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