Dataset Open Access
Nichterwitz, M.; Duschek, K.; Zehner, J.; Oswald, S.; Heller, René; Leistner, K.
{ "title": "Data publication: Stabilization of nanoscale iron films by self-terminated electrodeposition in sulfate electrolyte", "author": [ { "family": "Nichterwitz, M." }, { "family": "Duschek, K." }, { "family": "Zehner, J." }, { "family": "Oswald, S." }, { "family": "Heller, Ren\u00e9" }, { "family": "Leistner, K." } ], "publisher": "Rodare", "abstract": "<p>All RBS Data from measurements with both standard RBS as well as liquid cell RBS, including Simulation files in SIMNRA data format</p>", "id": "1858", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.1858", "type": "dataset", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2022, 10, 5 ] ] } }
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Data volume | 5.8 GB | 5.8 GB |
Unique views | 282 | 282 |
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