Dataset Open Access
Schindler, Felix;
Eckert, Sven;
Zürner, Till;
Schumacher, Jörg;
Vogt, Tobias
{ "id": "1813", "language": "eng", "title": "Data publication: Collapse of Coherent Large Scale Flow in Strongly Turbulent Liquid Metal Convection", "type": "dataset", "abstract": "<p>Rawdata on which the publication is based on. .BDD binary files for Ultrasound measurements. .dat: direct temperature measurement data.</p>", "publisher": "Rodare", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.1813", "author": [ { "family": "Schindler, Felix" }, { "family": "Eckert, Sven" }, { "family": "Z\u00fcrner, Till" }, { "family": "Schumacher, J\u00f6rg" }, { "family": "Vogt, Tobias" } ], "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2022, 7, 21 ] ] } }
All versions | This version | |
Views | 2,652 | 2,669 |
Downloads | 4,029 | 4,029 |
Data volume | 14.2 TB | 14.2 TB |
Unique views | 468 | 478 |
Unique downloads | 127 | 127 |
Schindler, Felix, Eckert, Sven, Zürner, Till, Schumacher, Jörg, & Vogt, Tobias. (2022). Data publication: Collapse of Coherent Large Scale Flow in Strongly Turbulent Liquid Metal Convection [Data set]. Rodare.