Dataset Restricted Access

Data publication: Lanmodulin Peptides – Unravelling the Binding of the EF-Hand Loop Sequences Stripped from the Structural Corset

Gutenthaler, Sophie M.; Tsushima, Satoru; Steudtner, Robin; Gailer, Manuel; Hoffmann-Röder, Anja; Drobot, Björn; Daumann, Lena J.

JSON Export

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    "creators": [
        "name": "Gutenthaler, Sophie M.", 
        "affiliation": "Department of Chemistry Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-8412-3328"
        "name": "Tsushima, Satoru", 
        "orcid": "0000-0002-4520-6147"
        "name": "Steudtner, Robin", 
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        "name": "Gailer, Manuel", 
        "affiliation": "Department of Chemistry Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich"
        "name": "Hoffmann-R\u00f6der, Anja", 
        "affiliation": "Department of Chemistry Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich"
        "name": "Drobot, Bj\u00f6rn", 
        "orcid": "0000-0003-1245-0466"
        "name": "Daumann, Lena J.", 
        "affiliation": "Department of Chemistry Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich"
    "pub_id": "34792", 
    "title": "Data publication: Lanmodulin Peptides \u2013 Unravelling the Binding of the EF-Hand Loop Sequences Stripped from the Structural Corset"
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