Dataset Restricted Access

Ultrafast X-ray tomography image data of bubbly two-phase pipe flow around a semi-circular constriction

Neumann-Kipping, Martin; Hampel, Uwe

DCAT Export

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        <foaf:name>Neumann-Kipping, Martin</foaf:name>
            <foaf:name>Technische Universität Dresden</foaf:name>
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        <foaf:name>Hampel, Uwe</foaf:name>
            <foaf:name>Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf</foaf:name>
    <dct:title>Ultrafast X-ray tomography image data of bubbly two-phase pipe flow around a semi-circular constriction</dct:title>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2019</dct:issued>
    <dcat:keyword>ultrafast X-ray computed tomography</dcat:keyword>
    <dcat:keyword>bubbly two-phase flow</dcat:keyword>
    <dcat:keyword>three-dimensional flow field</dcat:keyword>
    <dcat:keyword>two-phase pipe flow</dcat:keyword>
    <dcat:keyword>tomographic image data</dcat:keyword>
    <dct:issued rdf:datatype="">2019-08-01</dct:issued>
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    <dct:description>&lt;p&gt;For the investigation of bubbly two-phase flow,&amp;nbsp;which should serve as a future benchmark experiment for CFD code validation, an experimental study has been conducted at the &lt;strong&gt;T&lt;/strong&gt;ransient Tw&lt;strong&gt;o-P&lt;/strong&gt;hase &lt;strong&gt;Flow&lt;/strong&gt; (TOPFLOW) facility at Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden &amp;ndash; Rossendorf (HZDR) using&amp;nbsp;ultrafast electron beam X-ray tomography (UFXRAY). In this study, flow constrictions were installed into a DN50 pipe&amp;nbsp;to create a generic three-dimensional flow field&amp;nbsp;as an advanced test case for CFD codes. UFXRAY CT scans were performed in dual-imaging mode and 9 imaging planes for 15 s with a temporal resolution of 1.0 kHz and 2.5 kHz to provide valuable data of the gas phase dynamics.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;The provided data set contains&amp;nbsp;tomographic image data for the experimental series L30&amp;nbsp;that uses a &lt;strong&gt;semi-circular&lt;/strong&gt; flow constriction with a blockage ratio of 0.5.&amp;nbsp;Here, all image stacks for a given operating point are stored in a single HDF5 file with a spatial resolution of 0.5 mm/pixel (Images are stacked as time series). Further attributes (e.g. reconstruction parameters) are available for each image stack and are accessible e.g. using Matlab or Octave. The relative distance of the each respective scanning position is defined in an additional info.txt.&amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;</dct:description>
    <dct:description xml:lang="">This work is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) with the grant number 1501481 on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag.</dct:description>
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        <rdfs:label>Restricted Access</rdfs:label>
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