Dataset Open Access

Data publication: Describing chain-like assembly of ethoxygroup-functionalized organic molecules on Au(111) using high-throughput simulations

Lokamani, Mani; Kelling, Jeffrey; Ohmann, Robin; Meyer, Jörg; Kühne, Tim; Cuniberti, Gianaurello; Wolf, Jannic; Juckeland, Guido; Huhn, Thomas; Zahn, Peter; Moresco, Francesca; Gemming, Sibylle

JSON Export

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      "1,4-bis(phenylethynyl)-2,5-bis(ethoxy)benzene (PEEB)", 
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        "name": "Lokamani, Mani", 
        "orcid": "0000-0001-8679-5905"
        "name": "Kelling, Jeffrey", 
        "orcid": "0000-0003-1761-2591"
        "name": "Ohmann, Robin"
        "name": "Meyer, J\u00f6rg"
        "name": "K\u00fchne, Tim"
        "name": "Cuniberti, Gianaurello"
        "name": "Wolf, Jannic"
        "name": "Juckeland, Guido", 
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        "name": "Huhn, Thomas"
        "name": "Zahn, Peter", 
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        "name": "Moresco, Francesca"
        "name": "Gemming, Sibylle", 
        "orcid": "0000-0003-0455-1945"
    "title": "Data publication: Describing chain-like assembly of ethoxygroup-functionalized organic molecules on Au(111) using high-throughput simulations", 
    "description": "<p>Bei diesem Datensatz handelt es sich um die Grundzustandsstruktur von PEEB auf Au(111) und die Inputdatei f&uuml;r DFTB+.</p>", 
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    "publication_date": "2022-01-12", 
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All versions This version
Views 3,1093,109
Downloads 4,7664,766
Data volume 59.9 MB59.9 MB
Unique views 465465
Unique downloads 187187


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