Dataset Open Access
Reese, Sebastian; Kaden, Peter; Taylor, Corey John; Kloditz, Roger; Schmidt, Moritz
{ "author": [ { "family": "Reese, Sebastian" }, { "family": "Kaden, Peter" }, { "family": "Taylor, Corey John" }, { "family": "Kloditz, Roger" }, { "family": "Schmidt, Moritz" } ], "id": "1216", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2021, 10, 19 ] ] }, "publisher": "Rodare", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.1216", "abstract": "<p>TRLFS spectra; NMR spectra; QMMM data</p>", "type": "dataset", "title": "Data publication: Structure and Thermodynamics of Eu(III) and Cm(III) Complexes with Glucuronic Acid" }
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