Dataset Open Access
Moldabekov, Zhandos; Dornheim, Tobias; Böhme, Maximilian; Vorberger, Jan; Cangi, Attila
{ "author": [ { "family": "Moldabekov, Zhandos" }, { "family": "Dornheim, Tobias" }, { "family": "B\u00f6hme, Maximilian" }, { "family": "Vorberger, Jan" }, { "family": "Cangi, Attila" } ], "id": "1187", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2021, 9, 15 ] ] }, "publisher": "Rodare", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.1187", "abstract": "<p>This repository contains the Kohn-Sham density functional theory (KS-DFT) and path-integral Monte-Carlo (PIMC) data used in the journal publication "The relevance of electronic perturbations in the warm dense electron gas".</p>", "type": "dataset", "title": "Data associated with the publication \"The relevance of electronic perturbations in the warm dense electron gas\"" }
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Views | 596 | 596 |
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Data volume | 7.2 MB | 7.2 MB |
Unique views | 311 | 311 |
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