Dataset Open Access
Huebl, Axel; Rehwald, Martin; Obst-Huebl, Lieselotte; Ziegler, Tim; Garten, Marco; Widera, René; Zeil, Karl; Cowan, Thomas E.; Bussmann, Michael; Schramm, Ulrich; Kluge, Thomas
{ "type": "dataset", "title": "Supplementary Data: Spectral Control via Multi-Species Effects in PW-Class Laser-Ion Acceleration", "author": [ { "family": "Huebl, Axel" }, { "family": "Rehwald, Martin" }, { "family": "Obst-Huebl, Lieselotte" }, { "family": "Ziegler, Tim" }, { "family": "Garten, Marco" }, { "family": "Widera, Ren\u00e9" }, { "family": "Zeil, Karl" }, { "family": "Cowan, Thomas E." }, { "family": "Bussmann, Michael" }, { "family": "Schramm, Ulrich" }, { "family": "Kluge, Thomas" } ], "id": "116", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.116", "language": "eng", "publisher": "Rodare", "version": "submission", "abstract": "<p>Supplementary materials for our paper "Spectral Control via Multi-Species Effects in PW-Class Laser-Ion Acceleration".</p>\n\n<p>Additional high-resolution, raw HDF5 files using the openPMD standard (DOI:10.5281/zenodo.1167843) increase simulation output data to 4.7 TByte and are available from the corresponding author upon reasonable request. </p>", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2019, 3, 6 ] ] }, "note": "This project received funding within the MEPHISTO project (BMBF-F\u00f6rderkennzeichen 01IH16006C)." }
All versions | This version | |
Views | 1,202 | 1,202 |
Downloads | 2,338 | 2,338 |
Data volume | 20.4 TB | 20.4 TB |
Unique views | 733 | 733 |
Unique downloads | 326 | 326 |