Dataset Restricted Access

Data publication: Stretchable Thin Film Mechanical Strain Gated Switches and Logic Gate Functions Based on a Soft Tunneling Barrier

Chae, Soosang; Jin Choi, Won; Fotev, Ivan; Bittrich, Eva; Uhlmann, Petra; Schubert, Mathias; Makarov, Denys; Wagner, Jens; Pashkin, Oleksiy; Fery, Andreas

BibTeX Export

  author       = {Chae, Soosang and
                  Jin Choi, Won and
                  Fotev, Ivan and
                  Bittrich, Eva and
                  Uhlmann, Petra and
                  Schubert, Mathias and
                  Makarov, Denys and
                  Wagner, Jens and
                  Pashkin, Oleksiy and
                  Fery, Andreas},
  title        = {{Data publication: Stretchable Thin Film Mechanical 
                   Strain Gated Switches and Logic Gate Functions
                   Based on a Soft Tunneling Barrier}},
  month        = aug,
  year         = 2021,
  doi          = {10.14278/rodare.1093},
  url          = {}
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Cite as

Chae, Soosang, Jin Choi, Won, Fotev, Ivan, Bittrich, Eva, Uhlmann, Petra, Schubert, Mathias, … Fery, Andreas. (2021). Data publication: Stretchable Thin Film Mechanical Strain Gated Switches and Logic Gate Functions Based on a Soft Tunneling Barrier [Data set]. Rodare.
