Dataset Open Access
John, Warren; Lückel, Benita; Matschiavelli, Nicole; Hübner, René; Matschi, Susanne; Hoehenwarter, Wolfgang; Sachs, Susanne
{ "title": "Experimental Data: Endocytosis is a means of uranium(VI) uptake in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) BY-2 cells", "DOI": "10.14278/rodare.1047", "publisher": "Rodare", "author": [ { "family": "John, Warren" }, { "family": "L\u00fcckel, Benita" }, { "family": "Matschiavelli, Nicole" }, { "family": "H\u00fcbner, Ren\u00e9" }, { "family": "Matschi, Susanne" }, { "family": "Hoehenwarter, Wolfgang" }, { "family": "Sachs, Susanne" } ], "id": "1047", "type": "dataset", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [ 2022, 1, 1 ] ] }, "abstract": "<p>The interaction of tobacco (<em>Nicotiana tabacum</em>) BY-2 cells with uranyl(VI) nitrate in phosphate-deficient medium was investigated. The hypothesis was that endocytosis is a means of uranium uptake in these cells. Analysis was in the form of physiological studies (growth and viability), electron microscopy, proteomics and biochemical studies.</p>", "language": "eng" }
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