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Data and code: Investigation of the effect of filling degree on particle segregation in a rotating drum using non-invasive measurement techniques and DEM simulations

Papapetrou, Theodoros Nestor; Bieberle, Martina; Barthel, Frank; Hampel, Uwe; Lecrivain, Gregory

Original video camera data, UFXCT image data and DEM simulation data used in the associated publication; code used for the processing; and the final processed data.

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Cite as

Papapetrou, Theodoros Nestor, Bieberle, Martina, Barthel, Frank, Hampel, Uwe, & Lecrivain, Gregory. (2024, August 19). Data and code: Investigation of the effect of filling degree on particle segregation in a rotating drum using non-invasive measurement techniques and DEM simulations. Rodare. http://doi.org/10.14278/rodare.3066
