Dataset Restricted Access

RawData - Liquid fraction investigations in a RPB (small printed zick-zack foam, zero point) using GammaCT

Bieberle, André; Loll, Rouven; Pyka, Tobias; Schubert, Markus

Data collector(s)
Bieberle, André
Related person(s)
Zippe, Corneliusv
Schubert, Markus

For liquid fraction investigations in a rotating printed zick-zack foam (small) packed bed (RPB) angular-resolved time-averaged gamma-ray computed tomography (GammaCT) is applied. Liquid is injected by a zero point injector. This repository contains:

  • the raw data of the gamma-ray CT scanner,
  • the extracted projection-averaged profile data matrix and
  • the restructured angular-resolved time-averaged sinogram data.

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Unique views 198198
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Cite as

Bieberle, André, Loll, Rouven, Pyka, Tobias, & Schubert, Markus. (2022). RawData - Liquid fraction investigations in a RPB (small printed zick-zack foam, zero point) using GammaCT (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Rodare.
