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Research data: Terahertz-wave decoding of femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light pulses

Ilyakov, Igor; Agarwal, Naman; Deinert, Jan-Christoph; Liu, Jia; Yaroslavtsev, Alexander; Foglia, Laura; Kurdi, Gabor; Mincigrucci, Riccardo; Principi, Emiliano; Jakob, Gerhard; Kläui, Mathias; Seifert, Tom; Kampfrath, Tobias; Kovalev, Sergey; Carley, Robert; Scherz, Andreas; Gensch, Michael

This repository entry contains the research data used for generating the publication "Terahertz-wave decoding of femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light pulses".

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Ilyakov, Igor, Agarwal, Naman, Deinert, Jan-Christoph, Liu, Jia, Yaroslavtsev, Alexander, Foglia, Laura, … Gensch, Michael. (2022). Research data: Terahertz-wave decoding of femtosecond extreme-ultraviolet light pulses (Version 1.0) [Data set]. Rodare.
