Dataset Restricted Access

Plasmonic terahertz nonlinearity in graphene disks

Han, Jeongwoo; Chin, Matthew L.; Matschy, Sebastian; Poojali, Jayaprakash; Seidl, Angelika; Winnerl, Stephan; Hafez, Hassan A.; Kumar, Gagan; Myers-Ward, Rachael L.; Dejarld, Matthew T.; Daniels, Kevin M.; Drew, H. Dennis; Murphy, Thomas E.; Mittendorff, Martin

"Analysis_code_Final" contains the theoretical calculations. "FELmeasurements" contains the raw data of the pump-probe measurements with the FEL. "LabBook" contains the corresponding lab book pages.

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Cite as

Han, Jeongwoo, Chin, Matthew L., Matschy, Sebastian, Poojali, Jayaprakash, Seidl, Angelika, Winnerl, Stephan, … Mittendorff, Martin. (2021). Plasmonic terahertz nonlinearity in graphene disks [Data set]. Rodare.
