Helmholtz Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Tracing Environmental Radionuclides
The AMS department at the HZDR is a new compact dedicated AMS facility, HAMSTER (Helmholtz Accelerator Mass Spectrometer Tracing Environmental Radionuclides). This system is based on a Pelletron tandem accelerator with a maximum terminal voltage of 1 MV.
The main features of this new system are:
- Two different low energy injection lines. One of those will include a laser-based isobar suppressor, ILTIS (Ion Linear Trap for Isobar Suppression). This system was designed at HZDR in collaboration with the group of Isotope Physics of the University of Vienna and is presently in its setup and testing stage.
- Capability to measure AMS radionuclides for a wide range of masses (7≤A≤320).
- An ultra-sensitive high energy spectrometer, including a second analyzing magnet.
- SIMS will be moved to the HAMSTER facility, so more flexible Super-SIMS measurements can be performed there.
- Curated by:
- Curation policy:
All publications based on HAMSTER are welcome.
- Created:
- January 28, 2025
- Harvesting API:
- OAI-PMH Interface