High-power ultra-short pulse laser DRACO (at ELBE)

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High-power ultra-short pulse laser DRACO (at ELBE)

With DRACO (Dresden laser acceleration source) HZDR operates a state-of-the-art high-power ultra-short pulse laser system, dedicated and optimized for the investigation of relativistic laser plasma physics. The system is based on the Amplitude Technologies Pulsar architecture and delivers two main and additional diagnostics beams to three topic specific target areas. Target areas are permanently designed to support advanced accelerator research at different focal length and target density conditions. On-shot laser diagnostics is provided close to the experiment. Typical main beam parameters are 150 TW (4.5J on target in 30fs) and PW-class (currently 20J on target).

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All publications based on DRACO are welcome.

August 9, 2024
Harvesting API:
OAI-PMH Interface

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