# Curve 0 of 3, 3 points
# Curve title: "PIMC"
# x y ylow yhigh type
 0.0714286 -0.608714 -0.608746 -0.608682  i
 0.05 -0.612193 -0.612235 -0.612152  i
 0.03125 -0.615944 -0.616069 -0.61582  i

# Curve 1 of 3, 4 points
# Curve title: "LDA"
# x y type
 0.0714286 -0.635926  i
 0.05 -0.636344  i
 0.03125 -0.635197  i
 0.0151515 -0.636284  i

# Curve 2 of 3, 4 points
# Curve title: "T-LDA"
# x y type
 0.0714286 -0.627359  i
 0.05 -0.627778  i
 0.03125 -0.62663  i
 0.0151515 -0.627717  i