# Curve 0 of 4, 4 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0714286 -0.206398 -0.206448 -0.206348 i 0.05 -0.189288 -0.18933 -0.189247 i 0.0294118 -0.168232 -0.168279 -0.168186 i 0.02 -0.155699 -0.15575 -0.155647 i # Curve 1 of 4, 4 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}+{/Symbol D}f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0714286 -0.105615 -0.105665 -0.105565 i 0.05 -0.106007 -0.106049 -0.105966 i 0.0294118 -0.106433 -0.10648 -0.106387 i 0.02 -0.10652 -0.106571 -0.106468 i # Curve 2 of 4, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.01 -0.138579 -0.138655 -0.138504 i # Curve 3 of 4, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}+{/Symbol D}f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.01 -0.10678 -0.106856 -0.106705 i