# Curve 0 of 6, 2 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0714286 -0.243226 -0.243272 -0.24318 i 0.05 -0.231424 -0.23148 -0.231367 i # Curve 1 of 6, 2 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}+{/Symbol D}f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0714286 -0.185485 -0.185531 -0.185439 i 0.05 -0.185955 -0.186011 -0.185898 i # Curve 2 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0294118 -0.217722 -0.217869 -0.217574 i # Curve 3 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}+{/Symbol D}f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0294118 -0.186282 -0.186429 -0.186134 i # Curve 4 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.02 -0.209941 -0.210164 -0.209717 i # Curve 5 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC: f_{xc}+{/Symbol D}f_{xc}" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.02 -0.186099 -0.186322 -0.185875 i