# Curve 0 of 6, 4 points # Curve title: "DFT: LDA (T=0)" # x y type 0.0714286 -0.956786 i 0.05 -0.972393 i 0.03125 -0.957429 i 0.0151515 -0.967688 i # Curve 1 of 6, 4 points # Curve title: "DFT: LDA (Thermal)" # x y type 0.0714286 -0.928424 i 0.05 -0.942962 i 0.03125 -0.928941 i 0.0151515 -0.938387 i # Curve 2 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0714286 -0.880725 -0.880739 -0.88071 i # Curve 3 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.05 -0.903729 -0.903747 -0.903712 i # Curve 4 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.03125 -0.904066 -0.904109 -0.904024 i # Curve 5 of 6, 1 points # Curve title: "PIMC" # x y ylow yhigh type 0.0151515 -0.932457 -0.932588 -0.932326 i