<!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf (HZDR) SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-SA-4.0 -->

METABOLATOR: Analysis of Microcalorimetric Metabolic Data Using Monod's Equation

Curve fitting automation for metabolic load of bacteria in solutions. The service is deployed at HZDR and available at https://calorimetric.hzdr.de.


This requires Poetry.

Install the package and its dependencies:

poetry install

To install the development dependencies as well, run:

poetry install --with dev


Enter the virtual environment by running:

poetry shell

Within Poetry shell, run this project as a Jupyter Notebook:

jupyter notebook metabolator/METABOLATOR.ipynb

Run with VoilĂ :

voila metabolator/METABOLATOR.ipynb


Format the code (within Poetry shell):

ruff format .

Run the linter and apply potential fixes (within Poetry shell):

ruff check --fix .


The conf directory contains an example service file for systemd as well as an example nginx configuration. We suggest running the application service as a dedicated user (not root). This can be achieved by enabling lingering for the user with loginctl. For more information see the VoilĂ  documentation.

Providing Example Datasets

Example dataset files (common spreadsheet formats) can be placed inside the metabolator/static/datasets directory. Please make sure to place a license file next to the dataset. This can be done with reuse annotate