List of Changes for HZDR Multiphase Addon for OpenFOAM
[Latest Release]
Add references to
add phaseStructureProperties and trackPhaseStructures
[HZDR-Multiphase-Addon-10-s.1-hzdr.1] - 2022-10-14
use unquoted value to allow for proper command line argumens generation
functionObject deviation now properly writes out deviation as field as well as in log file
wrong apt command in dockerfile
define arguments of foamShellRunner with '--' preventing abbreviations
for degassingPhases fvModel add sink terms for transported variables
qt5-default package is not available in Ubuntu 21 and newer
Make sure to remove all hyphens from docker compose commands
Source OpenFOAM environment before applying sprint cycle patches
Fix typo in installation instructions
Re-structure file headers with better information about copyright
Modified header with improved copyright
Refer to nightly build addon Debian package in installation instructions
correct latex formulas and remove problematic extra package to fix Doxygen formula rendering
Automatically generate changelog file based on git commits
align keywords in Gitlab, Rodare, codemeta.json and HIFIS Software Spotlight
Correct Email address of Mazen Draw in codemeta.json
add position information to contact details
Add milestone information to support request issue template
New issue template for internal and external support requests
Fix broken links in doxygen
correct typo in installation instruction
add information to installation instructions that adding the local ssh key to the gitlab account is required for cloning the repository
Correct non-compliant file headers
Correct statement on supported Ubuntu versions
Add Tingting Zhang as contributor
Add words to spell checker list
Refine gitignore rules with respect to postProcessing folders
Refine gitignore rules related to postProcessing folders
Enable various models and utilities for release
Adapt VS Code configuration script to meet linter requirements
Include recommended VS Code extensions in configuration script
Fix typo in VS Code settings
Let VS Code classify C and H files as C++ independently from any extension
update VS Code settings to disable recommendations and clean-up
Do not hide .git* in VS Code file explorer (.git folder is hidden anyway)
Remove tar.gz and tgz from gitignore
minor corrections in
writeCellCoords functionObject to print the cell-centre coodinates for a given cell id
Removed duplicate category from .gitignore
allow tracking of folders with leading digits, only ignore names consisting exclusively of digits and decimal points
Sprint Cycle Upgrade 10-s.1
protect dominant continuous phase from disintegration
simplify user access to curvature
prevent disintegration of dominant continuous phase
Physical Modelling
add kOmegaSSTSatoIt turbulence model
Implement droplet entrainment model
Add low-Re correction to Shi wallLubrication model
Write mass rate only once for master
Added multiphaseEulerFoam-specific functionObject for extracting dimensionless numbers
Counter-current test for resolved interface drag
Correct exit code of upon failure
add test and demo case for disintegrationToDisperse morphology transfer
Simplified commands for obtaining directory basename in Allrun scripts
Refactor functionObject deviation
[HZDR-Multiphase-Addon-9-s.1-hzdr.2] - 2022-06-21
Add output to doxygen to check sprint version detection
correct path for cleaning bot
Fix wrong variable name in gitlab deploy job for debian package
fix deployment pipeline for openfoam debian packages
Substituted remaining apt-get in installation instructions
added missing QtCharts package to installation instructions
fix headers of HZDR dictionary files
replaced m4-based template blockMesh dictionaries using #calc and #codeStream
update and unify gitignore
Write mass transfer rates for all morphology transfer phaseTransfer models
re-formulation of turbulent dispersion force to make it consistent and more stable
unify default hybrid setups with caseDicts
Physical Modelling
Updated SaffmanMei lift model implementation following its contribution to OpenFOAM-dev
Updated Kusters breakup model implementation following its contribution to OpenFOAM-dev
Updated AdachiStuartFokkink agglomeration model implementation following its contribution to OpenFOAM-dev
Added basic infrastructure for an iterative drag and non-drag force correction
generally use CSV as output format
added -from and -to options to Alltest
Fix and simplify some cases regarding post-processing and plotting
Added case simulating solid particle agglomeration and breakage
HZDR-Multiphase-Addon-9-s.1-hzdr.1 - 2022-04-26
swarm correction model to blend out drag and lift model
breakup and coalescence case dictionaries and degassing boundary condition for bubble columns
Update sizeDistribution caseDict to British English
Cross-project pipeline is now allowed to fail
patch does not contain any data
update license information to GPL v3 or later
add information about clone for docker compose
correct sprint cycle commit sha for OpenFOAM-dev and ThirdParty-dev
add links for further information about syntax of Compose files
add missing docker login
Correct installation instructions with respect to WM_PROJECT_SITE_DIR
Added information on git-lfs to installation instructions
Add doi to codemeta and openfoam website link to
Split command line commands into blocks for efficient use of "copy" button from the browser
reference to OpenFOAM code quality guide
New checklist for merge requests containing a possible release contribution
Modify cite us as for processing with pandoc to pdf
New installation instructions
Centred the Class Declaration comment
Rationalized the naming of scalar limits
Physical Modelling
Shi et al (2021) wall lubrication model for rigid spheres
Population Balance
functionObject for computing integral and mean properties of a size distribution
Cleanup of unnecessary includes files
Prepare coalescence and breakup models of Liao et al. (2015) for contribution
Correct Ceff coefficient in Liao coalescence model implementation
CUDA CoulaloglouTavlarides kernel
Configurable number of CUDA streams
add reference solution to test cases
Cuda Test for LehrMilliesMewes kernel
CUDA LehrMilliesMewes binary breakup model
Python script for calculating time derivative of time series
set terminal to color in createGraph scripts of population balance tests
automatically generated with