The files PIMC_* contains the density along the x-direction obtained from PIMC calculations for different q/A combinations where the 3rd column contains the PIMC error bar. qx1_qy0_qz0_A0.1 means, for example, q=2*pi/L*(1,0,0) -> q=0.84q_F, with A=0.1 (in Hartree). The density is in units of n0=N/V and can plotted using the following python commands: n_bin = 40.0 ### the number of points in a file my_rs = 2.0 ### rs values N = 14 ### the numebr of electrons in the main box def n(rs): return 1.0 / ( 4.0/3.0 *np.pi * pow(rs,3) ) def qf(rs): return pow(9.0*0.25*np.pi,1.0/3.0) / rs V = 1.0 / ( n(my_rs)/N ) fac = n_bin**2 /(V/n_bin) / n(my_rs) path_qmc='qx2_qy0_qz0_A0.1/fermion_density_strip_14.res' x_qmc, y_qmc, z_qmc = np.loadtxt(path_qmc, unpack=True) x_qmc=(0.5+x_qmc)/n_bin y_qmc=y_qmc*fac z_qmc=z_qmc*fac ax2.errorbar(x_qmc, y_qmc, z_qmc, fmt='s', mfc='white',mec='forestgreen', ecolor= 'forestgreen', ms=3, label='QMC data')