Dataset Open Access

Raw data related to publication entitled "Turbulent resuspension of micron particles from a wall surface functionalized with cylindrical micropillars" by Banari, A. et al.

Lecrivain, Gregory

Project leader(s)
Lecrivain, Gregory

# 'Flowrate.JPG': Table associating a raw image (see 'org' folder below) with the flow rate (Q) in L/min

# 'Rough': raw data obtained with the rough substrate

# 'Smooth': raw data obtained with the smooth substrate

# "Smooth" and "Rough" folders contain a list of subfolders Mi, with i=0,1,2,... the measurement index. Ex: M1: is a first series of measurements and M2: a second series of measurements. Each Mi folder contains the following data:

## 'org': List of pictures (Acquisition_AAA_-BBBBBB.jpg) taken with the high-resolution camera. With AAA=000,001,002,... is the flow rate association. To associate AAA with the flow rate, see 'Flowrate.JPG'. Ex: '000' -> Q = 0 L/min, '001' -> Q = 20 L/min. BBB=000001,000002 or 000003 are pictures of the same particle bed taken at increasing time interval. These 3 pictures are used to check particle bed equilibrium.

## 'pic_CCC.jpg' with CCC=001, 002, 003: simply a copy of the raw picture in 'org' with bed at equilibrium. The association between the index (CCC) and the  flow rate (Q) is identical to that described in 'org' (AAA).

## 'Particles_CCC.csv' with CCC=001, 002, 003: List of particle positions (called tags in the manuscript) in each respective image.




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